Foliage on campus (Image courtesy: Lillie Nelson)

SNHU’s Sustainability Week is set to occur from October 22 to October 29, during which multiple events will be hosted. The Environmental Club has events going on in correlation with Sustainability Week.

Recent events the Environmental Club has hosted include tree planting, planting garden boxes at the Lincoln and Conway apartments, and participating in Homecoming.

During the tree planting, five serviceberry trees were planted near the Dining Hall and the Tuckerman Hall path. The tree planting event was held to raise awareness of sustainability efforts. The event had an appearance from SNHU President Paul LeBlanc, who helped with the tree planting.

The garden boxes event was held at the Lincoln and Conway apartments. The boxes were planted last spring and are now starting to show progress.

The table at Homecoming displayed invasive species such as Burning Bush, Japanese Barberry, and Oriental Bittersweet, providing information and fun facts about them.

Environmental Club Vice President, Ruby Bratcher (’24), went over the events the club has coming up in October.

On October 22, they will be hosting a clean-up of Livingston Park in Manchester from 1-3pm in collaboration with the Chandler Center. Information about the event, transportation, and meeting place will be available to students prior to the event.

Other events for Sustainability Week include a Microsoft Teams kickoff event on October 24 from 1-2pm.

October 25 is set to host several events. First, the “Learn and Taste How Sustainability Snacking Can Be Yummy and Good for the Environment” will run from 11am to 2pm in the Dining Hall. This event will also be held on the fourth Monday of every month from 1-2pm.

The other two events being held on October 25 are Microsoft Teams events. The first, “How to Get Other People to Care Stakeholder Engagement for Organizational Change,” is scheduled for noon to 1pm. The second, “Simply Sustainable: 10 Easy Steps You Can Take to Make the Environment a Better Place,” will be from 3-4pm.

On October 26 is the “Lunch and Learn green Cleaning Tips at Home- You Can Be Clean and go Green!” event on Microsoft Teams from 11am to noon. On the same day, the invasive species removal at the SNHU Arboretum will be held from 2-4pm. The Arboretum is located by Gustafson and is accessible for commuters and residents to join the efforts.

On October 27, the “Lunch and Learn at the Millard: Brining Nature Home-Make Your Own Terrarium and Learn Simple Ways to Incorporate Nature with Mental Wellness” will be hosted from 11am to noon. Limited space is available for this event, with a cap of 25 participants. RSVP is available through

Finally, on October 29 is the “Odds and Ends Clean Out Sale” from 8 a.m. to noon in the SETA Annex upper and lower lot.

All of the Microsoft Teams events links will be provided by the Environmental Club and Chandler Center on posters around campus through QR codes.

Students interested in sustainability and conservation efforts can attend the Environmental Club meetings, which are held in Robert Frost room 321 on Wednesdays at 2pm. Updates on club events can be found on flyers around campus, as well as on their Instagram: @snhuenvironmentalclub_. In addition, students can email the club at with additional questions or to be added to the email list.

The Office of Sustainability is also available to answer questions regarding sustainability, which can be sent to