A&E Editor Emily Blais, Class of ’24

Dear SNHU,

I am sitting here in my apartment trying to sum up my experience of the past four years. Starting online in my childhood bedroom wasn’t how I pictured becoming a college student. I had dreamed of joining clubs, making new friends, and becoming the best version of myself. It seemed so out of reach and so far away…yet here I am four years later, proud to say I achieved it all.

I am thankful to the English department for allowing me to be part of a major that had a family-like environment where I could find people to read my work, to study for English language exams, and to all of the professors who just get it. A big thank you to Dr. Sara Howe and Professor David Moloney for supporting my writing endeavors in the past three years and for being mentors that I will be able to turn to in my future as I fall back in love with writing. The skills I learned in my program will take me into my Master’s Program and into my life.

To the first club I joined on campus, Penmen Press, thank you for giving me the opportunity to fly on an airplane for the first time and to see two amazing cities, gaining experiences and knowledge that will stay with me. In this organization, I have become a more confident editor and writer, allowing me to transfer what I learned into writing workshops. I have many memories from issue launch parties, late nights in the Press office, conferences, and friendships. Not only that, but Press has single-handedly carried me into graduation with “Press for credit.” I am grateful for all that this organization has given me in these three years.

Thank you, Office of First Year Admission and Jess Gallant. I never thought I would become a tour guide, but it became one of the best decisions I have ever made. Those who know me can atest that I am a talkative and outgoing person, however, I find myself quiet and reserved around people I don’t know and in classroom settings. Being a Penmen Guide helped me become a more confident person in the classroom and out in the world. I was able to come out of my shell and be able to share my story with incoming students.

Brewed Awakening will always be in my heart, as well. I thank this cafe for giving me my first on-campus job, introducing me to my best friend, allowing me to indulge in my caffeine addiction, and have a family-like group of people who I still keep in touch with and will have around for the long-haul. I was able to make connections with so many faculty and professors (from various departments) and learn about the SNHU community. Being a part of a group of people who are able to see the campus connect has been so special.

Finally, a thank you to Radio SNHU. I started sophomore year because my friends were in the club and I liked music. This organization is the most important part of my college experience, and being able to grow as a person with Radio has been a wonderful thing from the friendships, events, and times I spent in the radio booth, doing homework, having debriefing sessions, and in-between class naps. I am excited to watch the organization grow.

And finally, to SNHU. I was able to blossom into the person I always wanted to be. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

With love,

Emily Blais, Editor