SNHU has officially recognized the Chess Club this year as a new club. The club meets every Wednesday inside the Shapiro Library cafe from 11am to 3pm.
These meetings teach students how to play chess across all different skill levels. Even the Dean of Arts and Science and other faculty have been known to join. Once a month, an all-member meeting will take place to practice for tournament play, teach chess etiquette, and prepare for events with a chess coach.
The Eboard this year includes Rylee Jones as President, Julieanna Sherwood as Vice President, Andrew Chronister as Social Media/Design, Patrick Proctor as Treasurer, Angie Mahkee as Secretary, and Arseney Alatalo as Event Manager.
For any online students, the Eboard is developing an online chess club to keep people connected across the online community.
Since becoming an official club, they are planning events around SNHU such as playing a chess invitational against Saint Anselm College and other surrounding universities.
In due course, the SNHU Chess Club will also attend a United States Chess Federation-rated tournament to get player recognition in the community and win cash prizes to bring back to the university.
The club will hold a tournament on November 17 for all students of any skill level with a $100 grand prize. It will take place in The Last Chapter Pub located in the Student Center. General play is from noon to 2pm and tournament play will be from 2-4pm. This tournament is based on a winners/losers bracket system.
To enter the tournament, scan the QR code on the flier posted on the Commuter Lounge door, located inside the Student Center. To join the Chess Club or for any other questions, email