
SGA Approves Conference Budget Updates to Constitution

Amendments to the Student Government Association's (SGA) constitution were passed on Tuesday, March 6 to promote greater fiscal responsibility among clubs in light of the recent over-expenditures to the conference budget. The SGA offers a maximum budget of $100,000 to clubs and organizations to use for conferences each year. This budget is distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis and can be used to cover

SGA Proposes Change in Conference Budget Policy that Limits Covered Overages

The Student Government Association (SGA) is proposing a solution to the recent over-expenditures to the conference budget in which a club’s approved request and up to 10 percent of overages will be covered by SGA. Each year, SGA allocates $100,000 to send clubs and organizations to programs, seminars and expos, and covers the cost of airfare, hotels, food and transportation. This budget is distributed

Students Learn to Lead

The annual Fall Leadership Conference was hosted at a conference center in Bedford, New Hampshire on Sunday, Sept. 25. The conference is for all students who participate on the executive board of a club or organization on campus, and it is meant to provide students with new ideas and strategies to improve their organization. The conference kicked off with an introductory session on creativity