American Dining Creations (ADC) made its debut on campus over the summer. The company integrated a new swipe-style system that allows students to scan their IDs into the dining hall and use the “all you care to eat” system.
The most highly anticipated aspects of ADC, however, are the openings of Dunkin’ Donuts, located in the Academic Center Complex (ACC), and Einstein Bros Bagels, found in the Student Center.
The original plan was to have these establishments built and ready for business by the beginning of the 2023-24 school year, but as the second week of the semester comes to a close, there is still construction occurring in the spaces. Sue Elsass, Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Campus Strategist, provided an update on the status of these establishments.
Einsteins will replace the Penmen Place in the lobby of the Student Center and is slated to open in October. Once it fully opens, it will offer a late-night option which students can enjoy until 10pm. Until construction is finished, the Dining Center will have a temporary late-night option which is offered until 9pm.
There is no official update on the current timeline for the Dunkin’ Donuts due to a delay with the contractors. Until it opens officially, a trailer is stationed behind ACC where students can enjoy coffee and donuts. Starting next week, a 20’x20′ tent will be put over the Dunkin’ trailer to help with any weather that might occur. Once it opens, it will be located inside the cafe area of the ACC building.
At both establishments, students are allowed to use their meal swipes to purchase items. Students can enjoy bagels, muffins, and other pastries, as well as bottled drinks at Einsteins. At the Dunkin’ trailer, a single swipe gets students a coffee and a food item.
ADC continues to work hard to ensure students have the best dining experience they can.