SNHU’s Spring Involvement Fair is set to take place during the two weeks following spring break in the Student Center.
The Involvement Fair, typically held in the Banquet Hall during the spring semester, was previously rescheduled from January 19 due to ongoing COVID testing the week in-person classes resumed.
However, instead of all the organizations being clumped in one room, there will instead be a series of mini Involvement Fairs. Clubs and organizations will be assigned a date for them to host a booth.
“What I’ve noticed is high traffic time in those morning hours where people stop in before class or in between classes, so my plan is to have all the clubs who are interested in participating to have a table in the Student Center during those high traffic hours,” said Nicole Gregory, Assistant Director of the Office of Student Involvement.
There will be a total of 15 organizations participating in the Involvement Fair, with one club participating virtually. The majority will have tables in the Student Center.
“My intent is to group the clubs by interest; [we] have a lot of multicultural and spiritual organizations, so I’d prefer to have them here at the same time,” said Gregory. There will be a total of three groups, which include academic-based clubs, social-based clubs, and club sports. In addition to recognized organizations, some offices are interested in joining the Involvement Fair.
In years past, organizations were required to participate in the Involvement Fair. However, due to the ongoing conditions of the world, the requirement has been relaxed.
For clubs and organizations to remain valid, they must have at least seven students on their roster. However, Gregory said, “I think that the past two years have been really…difficult on our student [organizations] to maintain interest. No one was really into the virtual stuff last year and this year with our on-again, off-again COVID restrictions, so I think that I am not going to say to any club over the summer, ‘you’re no longer a club.’ I want to work with everyone in the fall to figure out what they need to be successful.”
Involvement fairs in the future may also look different. While the traditional Fall Involvement Fair will remain as is, the Spring Involvement Fair could be organized in a series of mini Involvement Fairs such as this year.
“I hope…that clubs are able to just get some information about their organizations out there in a way that’s not overwhelming. I am an SNHU [alumni], and I loved the Involvement Fair as a student, but it was overwhelming to see every single club, so I’m hoping by dividing them up into smaller groups [it will be] a little bit more of an intimate setting…[and] attract some new people,” said Gregory.