SNHU offers an array of partnerships to choose from.

The Study Abroad Program at SNHU is composed of dedicated and passionate faculty eager to help students fulfill their goals and aspirations. Study Abroad Advisor, Scott Snyder works alongside Study Abroad Director, Stefano Parenti to help students expand their horizons and think on a global scale.

As Study Abroad Advisor, Snyder is responsible for many aspects of the program. “I organize and attend the weekly Info Session Presentation, Open Houses, Involvement Fairs and other related events, create flyers around campus, posts on social media; whatever is necessary to promote our program,” said Snyder. “I help the students directly through the application process and prepare them for their experience.

For students interested in studying abroad Scott Snyder acts as a resource, providing students will valuable insight on all the opportunities offered in the program. As an advisor, Scott enjoys working with the students, “It’s amazing to see the transformation when students have returned! To see their growth, is the best reward!” said Snyder.

The benefits of studying abroad are numerous. “I think everyone should study abroad, regardless of Major, and even if it is just a short program. Just get out and see something different! Learn something you cannot learn in America/SNHU,” said Snyder. Among the list of benefits, students are exposed to intercultural and interpersonal communication, foreign language and a deeper perspective of the world.

As an advisor for the program, Scott Snyder also studied abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Through engagement with locals and conversation exchange he was able to fully embrace the culture. “I did a 4-day weekend volunteer experience where I was 1 American among 500 Argentines. This experience is why I am here now in the Study Abroad Office. I like to say it opened my mind, my eyes, and my heart,” said Snyder.

Those interested in experiencing something similar can visit the Abroad Office located in Exeter or via email at

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