There were 52 companies present at the Spring 2018 Career Fair. (image credit: Nicole Valuski)

The SNHU Career Development Center (CDC) offered direction to the SNHU community through their biannual Internship and Career Fair on Wednesday, February 21.

The CDC has been holding this event in its current format for about five years. This semester, the fair was held on the second floor of the dining hall.

“We really want to make sure that we are connecting the students to as many possibilities as we can, both internship and full-time opportunities,” said Christina Cassella, Employer Relations and Recruitment Coordinator of CDC.

About 110 recruiters representing 52 companies attended the fair this year, all of which were looking for determined and hard-working job seekers. The fair emphasized offering opportunities for all majors by bringing in a wide variety of employers.

Some of the recruiters were SNHU alumni. Alumnus Jason Sederquist (’17) represented Wentworth by the Sea/Ocean Properties, where he is a line cook. “It’s strange to be on the other side,” Sederquist said. He suggested that students who attend Career Fairs benefit from the connections they make. “You never know who you’ll network with. Those who generally go have connections and they remember you if you leave an impact.

SNHU alumnus Jason Sederquist representing Wentworth by the Sea/Ocean Properties at the Career Fair. (image credit: Nicole Valuski)

“Some companies that you wouldn’t suspect to be hiring for various majors actually do have openings. A good example of that is Wayfair. They come across as a retail company…but they are actually hiring for game design students,” said Cassella.

Students are encouraged to prepare for the event by meeting with a career counselor, updating resumes and researching the companies attending.

“We provide a ton of resources in order for you to research the companies that are coming. We have an app so you can look into the positions they’re hiring for or even just how to prep. We try to put a lot of that out on social media and CareerEdge,” said Nicole Valuski, Administrative Assistant of the Career Development Center.

Kyle Whitehead (’18) found the fair to be efficient and was able to find companies to apply to, despite the large crowd. “[The fair] was a bit cluttered, but they usually are,” said Whitehead.

This semester, the event attracted roughly 700 students. According to Cassella, it was “not bad for a 70-degree day in February. We were fighting with the nice weather.”

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