SNHU’s Career Develop­ment Center (CDC) organized the Resume Critique Night on Wednesday, February 8 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the first floor of the Gustafson Center.

Approximately 20 profes­sionals including marketing managers and recruiters from different companies in the New England area were invited to help undergraduate students from all majors.

Many students attended the event to have their resumes cri­tiqued in their desired field or industry during a one-on-one 10-minute session with a pro­fessional.

Preparing a resume can be difficult and students without experience may be unconfident about their first attempt.

With resume critique ses­sions, students can get their resumes reviewed within a few hours with help from counsel­lors and industry professionals, so that they are fully prepared and confident about the re­sumes they are going to present.

“I am working for the SNHU library information desk right now, but I also like to take this chance to seek for some other work,” said Caryssa Prop­fe, a junior majoring in early childhood education.

Propfe came to the event because it is required for the SNHU-303 class she is taking. “It is very helpful to come to­night. I’ve talked to three peo­ple, and it is nice to sit down and network with them.”

There will be a series of in­ternship and career fairs begin­ning on Wednesday, February 18 for students from all majors to attend to find internships and job opportunities.

Kansas Ferguson, a fresh­man who works for CDC said that the office wants to help stu­dents get prepared before the internship and career fairs.

Apart from having the re­sume review, there are events such as Impressing Recruiters & Interview lecture and SNHU Professional Styling Event to help students pick up a profes­sional outfit. They are organiz­ing these events to help stu­dents be successful.

The office offers a variety of services for students during their walk-in and by appoint­ment hours.

For more information and details, please check the Career Services website

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