
SGA Approves Conference Budget Updates to Constitution

Amendments to the Student Government Association's (SGA) constitution were passed on Tuesday, March 6 to promote greater fiscal responsibility among clubs in light of the recent over-expenditures to the conference budget. The SGA offers a maximum budget of $100,000 to clubs and organizations to use for conferences each year. This budget is distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis and can be used to cover

A Defining Moment of the Next Generation

Gun violence and school safety have become two issues in current American society. The March for Our Lives protest provided an inter-generational opportunity for SNHU students, SNHU faculty and Americans of all ages, to voice their opinions and concerns on the two issues listed previously. During this past weekend, 53 members of the SNHU community departed campus for Washington D.C. Students were joined by

Awarding Community Excellence

While teaching and advising do have some similarities, the Excellence in Teaching Awards and the Excellence in Advising Awards make sure to not only celebrate the most exceptional in each category, but also have the community recognize and celebrate the differences between the two. For the Excellence in Teaching Awards, the main goal is to give an opportunity for the most exceptional teachers among

Undergraduate Research Day Presents an Opportunity to Engage in Academic Research

In a new addition to Undergraduate Research Day, students have the ability to engage in research based on case studies in the case competition. Some cases were written by faculty at SNHU and other cases were obtained from case bases from another university. Dr. Karen Stone, a Professor of Marketing in the School of Business, as well as a member of the undergraduate research

Advertisements and Education Don’t Go Hand in Hand

In modern day society, advertising is a recurring phenomenon that people experience daily. Sometimes an advertisement possesses considerable entertainment value due to getting its product message across to make someone desire said product, making it an attractive venture for businesses. Tim Calkins, a professor of marketing and creator of the Kellogg Super Bowl Advertising Review at the Kellog School of Management at Northwestern University

Kenneth Williams: A Teacher That Will Always Be Remembered

Sometimes, a teacher doesn’t always get through to their students. For a teacher like Professor Kenneth Williams, he’s a teacher that one will remember throughout their lives. Any student that’s had the pleasure of taking the class Education 102: Foundations of Education, either for a major, minor or simply an elective, has had the opportunity to learn valuable information from Professor Williams, an adjunct

Winter Break Is Near!

Well, the anticipated moment is finally in sight. This anticipated moment is one that can only be achieved through passing the gauntlet known as fall semester.  For those that don’t have the best interpretation skills or were too lazy to read the title, the anticipated moment is the one and only Winter Break. Make sure to put special emphasis on the break. Whatever the major, everyone

The Defining moment of Nonpartisan Politics

Alabama may not always be the place that comes to mind when thinking about defining political moments in contemporary times; however, for better or worse, the special election taking place in the Yellowhammer State has put it in the national spotlight. For anyone that’s been out of the loop, a special election for Attorney General Jeff Session’s former Senate seat is scheduled for December

Charles Manson: The Classic American Antagonist

The United States of America without a doubt has no lack of villainous individuals that have gone on to possess an uncomfortable legacy and hold over pop culture. People like Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, the Zodiac Killer, and then less serial killer-oriented villains like Al Capone all have sealed their place. None however have quite reached the level of now deceased