
Robert Frost Renovations Bring New And Exciting Opportunities

If you have classes in Robert Frost you most certainly have heard and seen the recent renovations. Although they might not look like much now, they will bring many opportunities once they are finished. The renovations consist of four new areas including an art gallery, a computer lab, the honors suite and a biology lab. The biology lab has already been completed, while the

Robert Frost Hall Gets Wired

This article was originally posted in the SNHU Observer (Volume VIII, Issue 6) on March 7, 2002: Over the past couple of months people have marveled at the new building's design. There is far more than meets the eye. In an effort to find out what Robert Frost Hall was made of technologically, this reporter set out to get some information about what goes

Life is SNHUtiful

It’s getting to be that time of year when the lulls of winter and the burdens of endless class work depress much of the student body. Sometimes, all a stressed student feels like doing is crawling back into bed and shutting the blinds. Sometimes, it’s hard to see the beauty around. At times like this, people should look to nature to aid them with