Cancer is a devastating illness that plagues millions of people worldwide. On Friday, April 20, Relay For Life SNHU will be hosting their annual Relay For Life walk and ceremony in the athletic complex fieldhouse. The event is one of many occurring during Spring Week, CAPE’s seven-day celebration of the end of winter. The relay will run from 6 to 9:30 p.m.
Relay For Life is a program that serves as a major source of fundraising for the American Cancer Society, an organization dedicated to fighting all forms of cancer. This global event began in 1985 and has since raised over five billion dollars to aid those suffering from cancer.
A total of 143 individuals have registered to walk so far. Many people choose to join teams and several clubs and organizations have formed their own teams to encourage participation in the relay. Some of the teams will have their own tables and will hold activities during the event. Food will be available throughout the event to supply energy for all of the walking.
“We’ll be accepting registrations right up until the event starts,” said UC Committee Chair Matt Montminy (’18). “At this point, we’ve raised $14,385.35.”
Montminy, along with Recruitment Chair Jessica Camera (’18), has worked tirelessly to ensure the success of this year’s relay.
The event will begin with an opening ceremony. Participants will then have the opportunity to walk, participate in activities and converse with one another. Next comes Luminaria. During Luminaria, the room is darkened and participants walk amid glow sticks, with each one representing a life affected by cancer. Participants are encouraged to honor those who lost their battle to cancer, those who are still fighting and those who have beaten the disease.
Although Montminy has participated in numerous Relay For Life events, he is particularly excited about this year’s relay at SNHU. “This year is probably going to be the most powerful one we’ve done,” said Montminy. “Our community has really, really stepped up and I couldn’t be more proud of them.”
Those interested in signing up can do so by visiting the university’s sign up page HERE.