SNHU’s contract with its current dining vendor, Sodexo, is coming to an end after 14 years. Sodexo is the only vendor SNHU has had because prior to their contract, SNHU did their dining services in-house. Currently, there are six companies bidding to take on the role; this creates the question: who is going to be feeding SNHUdents in the future?
The six companies vying for a contract are as follows: Aladdin Campus Dining, American Dining Creations, ARAMARK, Compass Group – Chartwells, NEXDINE, and Sodexo. Of these six companies, three are national vendors and three are regional vendors.
The typical length of a contract is 10-12 years; however, because of COVID-19, SNHU’s extended its contract with Sodexo until the end of the fiscal year, which is June 30, 2023.
“There’s a committee formed with Sue Elsass [Associate Dean, Student Affairs & Campus Initiatives], that’s reviewing bids for companies who would be interested in filling SNHU’s dining needs. SGA has representatives on this committee that are advocating for the best possible student experience,” said SGA President Stephanie Matte (’23).
Students from this committee will travel to four locations where the dining vendor is different than Sodexo. The committee will include SGA members, international students, and athletes, among others. These students will have a chance to represent the student body and give feedback on each vendor option.
While the contract is up in June, the University hopes to transition in May, with the 2023-2024 school year being the last deadline. The dining plan format will also be a part of the contract and has not yet been decided upon.
No decisions have been made regarding the contract. It is possible that Sodexo could renew with the school. Until the University makes a final decision, SNHUdents will need to remain patient about the future of their dining experience.