Students have the opportunity to see Academy Award Best Picture-winner “Moonlight” tonight (October 4) as part of the School of Arts and Science’s latest film series, dubbed Black Films Matter. The series seeks to provide a space for discussion regarding race relations post-Ferguson.
“This series happened to coincide with an extremely tense time in the United States surrounding the issue of race,” Said Dr. Colin Root, co-organizer of the event. “As we saw recently in Charlottesville, race and white supremacy is very much still part of our national consciousness. So it seemed appropriate that the Series engage with this volatile, yet desperately-needed topic and offer our students a forum to discuss these heated issues.”
Each film in the series is to be presented by a different professor, with each coinciding with the theme.
“All students of all backgrounds can relate to this “Black film” [Moonlight], not because it is “Black” but a well-done Academy Award-Best Picture,” said Professor Denise Brenner. “Moonlight is a movie about coming of age and developing self-identity.”
The last screening saw math professor Bill Jamieson screening Hidden Figures, the story of three black women who served an integral role in the early days of NASA space flight.
“I was thrilled to finally see Hidden Figures and the wonderful turnout by the students.” Said Dr. Vanessa Rocco, co-organizer.
Other films in the series include “I Am Not Your Negro,” “Dear White People,” and “Whose Streets?”
“Whose Streets?” is a film that just premiered about two months ago. It is a documentary that approaches the Ferguson Uprising from the street level by bringing you closer to the lives of those involved,” said Root. “Since its premiere in August, it has been playing at a select number of venues, mostly in larger cities or college towns. I saw this as a unique opportunity to offer a film to our students that they would not have a chance to see otherwise in New Hampshire.
Moonlight will be screened at 5:30PM in Walker Auditorium in Robert Frost.