
The Unapologetic Project

Students gathered in the Deborah L. Coffin Women’s Center for the unveiling and final showcase of the portraits from the Unapologetic Project on February 27. The Unapologetic Project is a photographic celebration of black women’s visibility and voices at SNHU. Beginning around 5 p.m., SNHU students and faculty were welcomed into the Women’s Center with hors d'oeuvres and beverages. They were then free to

Women in Islamic Society

Growing up, many people heard their parents say three things not to discuss at the dinner table: religion, politics and money. The new Muslim Student Association (MSA) is taking their lunchtime to talk about religion. For those who do not know, MSA is a brand-new organization that had its first general meeting Wednesday, February 21. The club is open for both Muslim and non-Muslim