Arts & Entertainment News

The Association of Rhode Island Authors Offers Advice to Writers

On November 10-12, Rhode Island hosted Comic Con, featuring many local artists, cosplayers, vendors and convention goers. Among these was the Association for Rhode Island Authors, who describe themselves on their website as a “non-profit organization of local, published writers of both fiction and non-fiction committed to raising awareness of the outstanding written works crafted by writers in Rhode Island and other nearby communities.”
Arts & Entertainment

“Exit West” Love and Warfare

Mohsin Hamid brought “Exit West” to shelves last year, and this romance amidst war and destruction has received much praise and recognition. His novel follows a couple who must somehow keep their love alive when they become refugees who flee from a war-torn land, to London. This novel is a modern look at the migrant, unwilling traveler. Hamid is non-specific enough that the piece
Arts & Entertainment

“Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of a Fist” A Powerful Narrative with Seven Voices

Sunil Yapa’s debut novel tells a fictionalized version of the events of the 1999 Seattle protests on the World Trade Organization. Told in alternat­ing limited third-person, the novel follows seven very differ­ent characters that all experi­ence the same day. Over the course of the novel, readers follow nineteen-year-old Victor (a black run­away), police chief Bishop (Vic­tor’s white stepfather), King (a female twenty-something pro­testor), Officers