
SNHU Baseball is Sliding into 2021 Season

SNHU's baseball team began their season on March 25 at Stonehill College and finished their weekend with a 4-0 record after beating the Skyhawks 10-2, 3-1, 8-0 and 7-4 to roll out their season. With new COVID regulations in place, the baseball players are excited to hit the field again after not having a 2020 season. "I'm pretty excited. Seeing other schools practicing together

What SNHU Needs For a Swim Team

With all the athletic opportunities SNHU has to offer, how would the university support a future swim team? "All sports are supported by a university budget, just as many different areas on campus are supported," said Anthony Fallacaro, Director of Athletics and Recreation, when asked about how SNHU would pay for a team. "We do offset some of the costs with alumni donations to

SNHU Hockey Skates Into 2021 Season at Home

SNHU's Men's Ice Hockey team is unsure about their winter season due to the Northeast-10 (NE10) suspending play through December. With the campus being closed and students studying remotely, this leaves the Men's Ice Hockey team to fend for themselves as they try to prepare for a future season. With no announcements of future gameplay this year, the men's team still finds ways to