
The Pre-Flight Jitters: Why You Are Not Alone and How to Deal With Them

Studying abroad is one of the most life-changing things a college student can do; however, having some reservations is normal. One of them being that studying abroad requires getting on a plane. There is no need to be ashamed though. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that approximately 8.1 million to 20.1 million Americans are scared of flying. Actor Ben Affleck admitted his

Primary Elections on Tuesday: A Stepping Stone to Trump’s Impeachment

As we watch Congress bicker over the legitimacy of President Donald Trump’s election into office, we should really be focusing on voting in the September primaries. Granted, U.S. citizens should be voting in every election; however, with allegations of corruption mounting, voting will determine President Trump’s future. The latest accusation against President Trump, more specifically the president’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, is campaign finance violations.