(image credit: Florida Writers Association)

November means No-Shave November, right? Or how about Thanksgiving? For writers, NaNoWriMo comes to mind. For us at the Creative Writing Club, November is a month dedicated to telling your story and getting in the habit of writing.

NaNoWriMo or Nano for short, is National Novel Writing Month: a non profit dedicated to helping writers far and wide.

The goal of National Novel Writing Month is to finish what you start. Between Midnight November 1st and 11:59pm on November 30th one must write a short novel or novella consisting of 50,000 words. One submits their word count each day to the NaNoWriMo website. At the end of the month one should have a novel done and ready for editing.

This month isn’t just for those who want to be a published author. It’s for anyone who enjoys writing or even wants to get in the habit of writing more. 50,000 words sounds like a lot to write, and for many it is, but you don’t have to finish the novel in the month if we’re being honest. It is truly all about the experience it gives you and the time you have.

NaNoWriMo also runs other projects to help get people in the spirit of writing, such as camp NaNoWriMo, which is a virtual writers retreat, or The Young Writers Project, which is aimed to get kids in K-12 in the spirit of writing.

Creative Writing Club will be running write ins throughout the month in the library. If you would like to learn more Creative Writing Club meets 5-6 on Wednesdays in Robert Frost 301.


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