
New Proposal for SNHU Culinary

Students who had signed the petition to “Save SNHU Culinary” may have re­ceived an email update on Feb­ruary 18 with new information regarding Michael Evans’ pro­posal. After the open forum held with the SNHU Community, it appeared as though the goal would be to look into new ways to cut costs of the SNHU Culi­nary program while not elimi­nating it completely. Jon Talbot,

Annual Drag Show Serves Laughs and Sass

SNHU’s Generation Equal­ity (GE) held their third annual Lip Sync Drag Show on Sat­urday, February 11 at the Last Chapter Pub. The show was held from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., during which students were encouraged to help themselves to a taco bar, free Valentine’s Day themed candy and refreshments. This event was co-sponsored by the Student Government Associa­tion (SGA) and the President’s Commission