Megan Palmer: What opportunity does working as the major concert chair provide you? how does it help you grow?
Haley Mailloux: For me, planning the major concert was extreme. I’ve planned small events in the past for CAPE; this was just a new challenge that I was excited to take on. I’ve learned to be much more organized, keeping copies of everything on Dropbox to help me and my other teammates out. One of the biggest skills I’ve gained was time management and problem solving. Funny story, X Ambassadors didn’t request a couch on their rider (a list of items things they need at the venue, hospitality, etc.) The tour manager asked me if they could have one in their dressing room. Although they didn’t request it, we accommodated them and found a couch upstairs in the office of student involvement. Myself and few other e-board members had to carry out the couch and fit it into one of the athletics truck. It was great. Event planning, music industry, and PR is something I have a passion for, so planning something as big as the major concert on campus gave me an idea of how concert planning goes. It made me realize that this is something I want to do in the future.
Palmer: What is your favorite part about the day of the concert?
Mailloux: My favorite part of being the major concert chair and day of concert is looking out into the crowd, seeing the crowd of students singing, dancing, and having a great time. CAPE’s slogan is “Your ticket to entertainment” and that’s what I try to do with the events that I plan; I want people to enjoy the hard work that we put in to have these events brought to campus. Seeing all my hard work pay off makes me feel incredible.
Palmer: Do you have time to enjoy the concert?
Mailloux: As the event coordinator, I was able to enjoy the concert on the sidelines; however, I still had to make sure my volunteers were in the right places at the right time and doing what they signed up to do. For the most part, a lot of the behind the scenes and planning was done ahead of time to be prepared for the fall concert. I could still enjoy the performances and be contacted when needed.
Palmer: What opportunity does volunteering provide SNHU students?
Mailloux: Volunteering included a free ticket to the show, t-shirt, food & snacks throughout the day, and a chance to meet X Ambassadors and Savoir Adore.
Palmer: Are you planning the Concert for next Year?
Mailloux: I will not be planning a concert next year. We switched roles on the e-board. My position is Vice President and this role specifically does musical planning. My next event that I’m working on now is SNHUstock which used to be Traditions Chair. Traditions Chair is now called Signature Events! SNHUstock will be in the spring, and it’s a huge music festival on campus, food trucks, performers, and novelties.
Palmer: How has this event changed or shaped your SNHU experience?
Mailloux: I feel like a lot of people know me now after planning the concert. I’ve been getting lots of students congratulating me and tell me how obsessed they are with X Ambassadors now. Also, this experience leaves me waning to plan even bigger better events!