
Empowering Students Through Financial Literacy: An Interview with Kerry Koziell

Kerry Koziell has worked at SNHU for the past two years and was hired to help develop financial literacy outreach and programming for students to help educate the SNHU community about student loan management and personal financial wellness. Since then, the Financial Literacy team has served over 2,000 students through classroom workshops, debt check-up meetings, events and partnerships with other student-centered groups. The Financial

Credit Card Dos and Don’ts

Credit cards can either be a beneficial tool or a hindrance for users, it all depends on the financial choices that people make . The idea of “free money” and rewards benefits may seem like a win-win situation but there is more to consider when determining the right credit card to apply for. Sometimes credit cards can be useful and other times they can

Fintech is Embracing Innovation

Financial Technology (Fintech) is a new and modern way to handle finances whenever there is a few minutes to spare and a smartphone handy. Today, information is expected immediately and almost any answer can be found online. Fintech bridges the gap between instant gratification as well as convenience and financial services like banking, bill pay, investing and budgeting. Fintech can provide users with resources

One Click Away from Financial Success

Confused about what a credit score actually means? Wondering how student loan interest works? Do not worry, not all students have the opportunity to take a personal finance class in high school and that can leave some serious gaps in basic financial skills like budgeting, credit management and borrowing. SNHU’s Financial Literacy team has SNHU students covered, however. Over the summer, a new interactive

Exit Counselling for Seniors

Second semester is almost over and that means it is almost time to walk the stage and complete exit counseling for any federal student loans students may have taken out while here. Students that took out federal student loans participated in entrance counseling, remember how easy and informative that was? Exit counseling is just as easy, informative, and…required! Exit counseling is an online exercise

Spend Less to Save More

Being in college, or even being in the job students have immediately following college, means that students are not making very much money. Having a work study job, jobs on campus or off, summer jobs or internships typically are paying minimum wage or nothing at all. It is important to reduce monthly spending to ensure that students have spending money as well as money

Save On Snacks

It is time to start deciding where students want to live on campus next year. Do students want to live in a double, pod or an apartment? It all depends on the amenities they want. If they live in an apartment, they will have a kitchen and a reduced meal plan as they are expected to be cooking most of their meals themselves. Living

Compound Interest: Tool or Weapon

For some, compound in­terest may be a new term and a new concept. However, for students in college, it is cru­cial that this daunting term is understood. Simply put, com­pound interest is the additional amount of money that is added to an already existing balance. Compound interest can either work for or against students depending on whether they are borrowers or investors. According to