
Making Budgeting Easy

Being a broke college student can be hard sometimes. Students want to make plans with friends to go out, but they don’t really have the money. With a low income and high expenses, it is important to create a budget to see exactly how much money is coming in and how much is going out. Creating a budget can be daunting and rather boring,

Thrifty at Target

Target is… a happy place, a saving grace, a “I didn’t know I needed this before I came in here” place. Go into Target for toothpaste and walk out with a coat, video game, box of mac ‘n’ cheese and said toothpaste. Many students know this feeling well as seen in the enormous turnout of new students at the Late Night at Target event

Free Money at FastWeb

It’s no secret that college is expensive. With tuition costs rising every year, paying for college becomes more and more difficult. That’s why scholarships are so helpful. The more scholarships a student wins, the less student loans they have to take out and pay back. Scholarships are free money that don’t need to be paid back. They are often from a college/ university, organization,