Performers on stage

The Wolff Sisters Preforming on Stage at SNHU Concert Series (Photo Courtesy: Layla Thomas)

On Friday, January 31, another installment of the SNHU Concert Series debuted. This concert, starring The Wolff Sisters and The Stone Strangers, was loud, vibrant, and nothing short of captivating. People flooded into the pub to buy drinks and watch the show with their friends. The bands themselves, were both local and unique, each offering wonderful songs and receiving cheers and claps as they left the stage.

While the event had numerous co-sponsors and groups involved in its occurrence, two students were at the forefront of making this happen. Angelina Rupple (’25) and Dominick Donati (’26) were the main organizers for this concert and have received praise for their efforts and what they were able to create with this event.

The concert was also used as an opportunity to make donations to Direct Relief, a nonprofit organization which aids impoverished areas affected by disaster. At the time of the concert, Direct Relief was actively working in Los Angeles against the impacts of the detrimental fires that were burning the homes of so many people. Leading the donation collection, was SNHU’s Chandler Center.

Grace Frink-DeRaleau (’25) who works closely with The Chandler Center, spoke on this topic saying “a lot of the money being donated tonight is going to go directly to medicine for families affected by the wildfires in Los Angeles… So thank you so much for your donations tonight!” In addition to The Chandler Center, this installment of the SNHU Concert Series was also co-sponsored by our very own Penmen Press and The Last Chapter Pub.

Rupple (’25) and Donati (’26) were proud of the outcome, and explain what they got from the experience. “My favorite part of preparing for this show was probably the booking aspect of it and getting to learn more about that process, then working with the school to get this started. It was all really cool,” says Rupple (’25). Following that, Dominick mentions his highlight: “I think my favorite part about this was honestly joining through the communications studio and just learning about everything, it was really fun being able to join into the team and figure out how all of this works.” 

Overall, an event like this is one of the things that brings SNHU students together. Working with others to provide entertainment and support for not only our immediate community like local bands, but also for communities further out that need it, like those seeing the effects of the fires in California. As any other series, it can be expected that a new installment will be coming soon. Keep an eye out and be sure not to miss the next Concert Series.